The ELEUTHERIA MONOGRAPH SERIES is dedicated to the exposition and development of the speculative philosophical tradition, beginning with the Ancient Greeks and continuing in an unbroken line to the present.

Each Volume in the Monograph Series is typeset and formatted with line numbering for ease of reference. In addition, all volumes have a concordance as an aid for study and discussion.

All of the books are available on Amazon in both hardcover and paperback editions, and as Kindle ebooks.

Presently available Volumes in the Monograph Series:

Metaphysic and Dialectic

Cover for Metaphysic and Dialectic by James LowryThe highest activity of which mankind is capable is thinking – specifically thinking about thinking. Even though this thought has a history, it has never been clearly understood. This is because both dialectic and thinking can be either only partly understood or be thought in various forms of incompleteness. The result of these various forms of misunderstanding has many consequences for metaphysics, which is impossible without dialectic – which is its native form. In Metaphysic and Dialectic both the history and the theory of this problematic is fully comprehended and through its accuracy shows how Mentaphysics is their proper and actual unity.

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Psyche and Cosmos

Cover for Psyche and Cosmos by James LowryPsyche and Cosmos has for its theme the perennial ineluctable human desire to know the origin and end of mankind – of self. Science and Religion are understood to be the immediate and opposite efforts to fulfill this desire. The requirement that they be mediated by Philosophy, by thinking as ultimate activity, is shown forth in Psyche and Cosmos with spiritual clarity and lucidly accurate historical learning. The inevitable result must be Mentaphysics.


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Reason and Religion

Cover of Reason and ReligionReason and Religion is divided into two parts: the first is theoretical, the second practical. Theory– religion popularly understood is an ultimate emotional response to mankind’s longed for relation to the Absolute. Faith in God claims to transcend Reason. Modern Science, in claiming to overcome Religion as superstition, is a false champion of reason as it is tied to the noose of materiality as ideal. Practice – in the second part of Reason and Religion Dr. Lowry shows the absolute relation between theory and practice by providing a philosophical commentary to the Christian liturgy. Liturgy is the practical act of mediation in which mankind is raised from Earth to Heaven, from mortality to immortality – a Prefiguration in Time of an ultimate Transformation to Eternity.

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Speculative Philosophy and Practical Life

Cover for Speculative Philosophy and Practical Life by James Lowry

Modernity as a human phenomenon is an era of praxis, thought by its adherents to be perpetual. Practical action is assumed to always trump theoretical relation. Speculative Philosophy and Practical Life shows the futility of this hubris in the one area to which modern societies are most attached – the accumulation and enjoyment of wealth. In the most advanced societies this takes the form of pension funds. Pension funds are, after all, the effort to establish, even to ensure, a Shangri- La – Work transformed by the accumulation and compounding of money into Play. In Speculative Philosophy and Practical Life Dr. Lowry shows that, even in what is considered most practical, the management of pension funds, a misunderstanding (really a practical innocence) of the immutable relation of theory and practice must result in dysfunctional practice. The possibility of correcting this dysfunctionalism is fully explained in this small volume.

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